Final Project Proposal – City as Playground

For my final project what I propose is a project based on the surroundings of the urban environment of Toronto. With environment being the key factor in this concept, I want to take into account the geographic topology as well as the socio-cultural landscape of the city. Influenced by the way people interact with space and vice versa I would like to investigate these relationships through the insertion of materials in multiple sites which would interact with the communities present as well as the public who pass through the spaces on a daily basis. These sites will be spaces of contemplation as well as activity depending on its users’ intent. Surveys will be completed within the neighborhoods to include the communities where the sites will be in the planning and design of the arrangements as well as to ascertain the needs of the specific members.  It is my hope that by undergoing research and maintaining an open dialogue with the members of the public who will ideally use these sites they will be accepted within the landscape as useful and functional spaces rather than imposed and disconnected public art works or monuments. The proposed arrangements will include variations of seating and means of physically interacting with the specific site environments whether through swings, treehouses, reading nooks or tables.

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